Your IQ is: 98
100 is an average IQ score.
It is higher than 50 percent of all results.
It is higher than 44.7 percent of all results.

It means you have average reasoning and problem-solving skills. Your IQ score might be a good general indicator of your reasoning and problem-solving abilities, but many psychologists suggest that these tests don't tell the whole story. A few things they don't measure are practical skills and talents. You might have an average IQ score, but you might also be a great musician or artist. Researchers have also found that IQ scores can change over time.

There are many ways that can help a person increase their IQ as well as improve their brain function like constantly learning something new, frequent reading, learning new languages, physical exercise, proper nutrition and other activities.

More useful resources:

» How is IQ measured? Average and high IQ meaning
» Is IQ important?
» How to improve your IQ and brain function?
» Einstein's IQ